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Friulian dance track from very ancient origins (at least 1500) attributed to Giorgio Mainerio. With a title known in different spellings (Schiarazula marazula, S'ciaraciule maraciule, s'ciarazule marazule, s'ciarazula marazula or s'ciarassula marassula, scjaraƧule maraƧule, scjarazule marazule)
One of the great classics of the Friulian song, this song is characterized by cheerful tones on a lively polka rhythm. Celebrate the lighthearted youth represented also in the dance.
Suitable for: cartoons, wedding videos, background for fairy tales and stories, tourist documentaries, family videos
A song from the musical tradition of Friuli, dedicated to the spring and the return of the swallows after the winter migration.
Joyful and growing orchestration with flutes, clarinets, xylophone, strings and light drums.
Suitable for: wedding and family videos, background for fairy tales and
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The light turns up slowly in a gentle dawn, while your body and your mind reconnect with the world🧘a
What sound is there in interstellar space? Scientifically no one, but even infinity is music... Let yourself be transp
A light-hearted composition for piano and violin, a playful dialogue in imitative style.
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